Thursday 28 January 2016

Top 5 UK "How To" Google Searches Of 2015

Top 5 UK "How To" Google Searches Of 2015

What did we ask the most last year?

1 How To Lose Belly Fat

We're guessing a fair few of these searches came just after major national holidays, like Christmas and Easter, but no doubt how to lose a few pounds is a year-round problem. Micro Mart isn't a health magazine, though, so we're not going to suggest that eating less and moving more might help. And neither are we going to suggest that ice cream and Snickers bars do not a nutritious breakfast make.

2 How To Get Rid Of Brain Freeze

Clearly, we as a nation are not afraid to ask the questions that really matter - and we're more than ready to Google the answers. And could be more important that the pain and the suffering caused by consuming a Slush Puppy slightly faster than you should? (Other brands of frozen drink are also available.) Okay, this might seem like a silly thing for us to be wasting our time on, but come to think of it, how do you actually get rid of brain freeze? We always thought it was just a case of riding it out and hoping nobody notices that you're crying.

3 How To Lose Weight Quickly

Yet again it seems we're all obsessed with losing weight. In the middle of an apparent obesity epidemic, that makes sense, we suppose, and it's good that people are looking for ways to get their weight under control. Again, we're not claiming to be experts on how to lose weight, but we're guessing that sitting at a computer Googling how to lose weight probably isn't high up on the list of NHS-recommended weight loss techniques - especially if you're eating ice and Snickers bars at the same time.

4 How To Use The New Snapchat Update

In fourth place, we have our first 'how to' query that doesn't have anything to do with eating, and it's a slightly odd one. For some reason, tons of British people were perplexed by an update to Snapchat. Which update and when we do not know, plus no one in the Micro Mart team uses Snapchat. Nevertheless, we're going to hazard a guess and suggest that you use the Snapchat update just like you used Snapchat before the update (only a bit more sensibly and without all that sexting nonsense).

5 How To Register To Vote

We didn't expect this at all. The internet is dominated by pornography, videos of cats, stuff about The X Factor and videos of cats watching The X Factor (probably). Who would have thought, in all this inanity, that people would actually be Googling something as meaningful as the processes of democracy? There was, of course, a General Election in 2015, so that might have something to do with it. Then again, there's a good chance that some of the people asking this question were hoping to vote in the final of The X Factor. And some of them were probably cats.